How long can I submit my nationality application?
FCJE´S Certificate
Cooperating entities in Israel.
Can a non-Jewish person apply?
How can I know whether my surname is of Sephardic origins?
My surname is included in the list of Sephardic surnames published on the internet. Is that enough?
When ?
Which is the deadline to submit my application?
How long will it take for the Spanish Administration to decide on my application?
Which documents are necessary to meet the requirements of the Law?
Which documents prove my condition of Sephardi of Spanish ancestry?
Who can issue a certificate proving my Sephardic origins?
What is the ‘Ketubah’ from Castile?
Which documents prove my special link to Spain?
Are there any other additional requirements? Are there any other documents to be submitted?
Residence in Spain
Instituto Cervantes
How much will the courses and exams cost at the Instituto Cervantes?