Cooperating entities in Israel

The Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain, has reached an agreement with some personalities and academic center in Israel, where they may be attended the applicants  looking to prove its sephardic origin. These entities could, if applicable, elaborate reasoned reports showing proof of the sephardic origin of the applicant.

Additionally, The Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain (FCJE) could consider the decisions of the Rabbinic Courts and the letters of the principals Rabbis of Israel’s cities, as long as it justify the sephardic origin of the applicant.

Any of the preceding documents could be consider as a proof of the sephardic origin, as long as the documents are authorized by a Notary of the country of origin, and apostilled or legalized as appropriate. Said document will allow, as well, applying and obtaining the certificate of the sephardic origin signed by the President of the FCJE.

Centro Salti de Estudio del Ladino,  Universidad de Bar-Ilán Secretaría del Centro03-5344448035317242 Sephardic Origin Certificado de conocimiento del ladino o haketía
Instituto de Estudios Sefardíes y de los Anusim  Salomón Buzaglo054-4564555 Sephardic Origin
Prof. Dov Cohen, Universidad de Bar-Ilán  Dr. Dov Cohen052-7245757  Sephardic Origin
Prof. Eliezer Papo, Universidad de Ben Gurión y Rabino de la C.J. de Sarajevo  Rab. Dr. Eliezer Papo 0545335690  Sephardic Origin
Organización de Comunidades Judías del Norte de África Oriá 02-5472930 Sephardic Origin
Consejo de la Comunidad Sefardí y las Comunidades Orientales de Jerusalén Maggi Cohen 02.54551290524799377 Sephardic Origin
Rabino Baruj Garzón Rab. Baruj Garzón  Sephardic Origin
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